Dr. Katherine Stone answers questions parents might have about COVID and provides information on how to support your child during this unusual time.
Yoga Videos For Kids
Lisa King Yoga provided 4 yoga videos to share with our Dolphins to help with stretching, stress management, relaxation and finding balance. These videos are a wonderful introduction to yoga for our kids. Namaste Dolphin Friends!
This has been a stressful year to say the least. One of our fellow Dixie Dolphin parents, Sarah Bowker, yoga and meditation teacher at Barefoot Yoga Works, has made a wonderful video with a yoga practice that is easy to follow and will help with stress reduction, relaxation and stretching. Sarah has been teaching weekly classes for the last 12 years, has lead international workshops, and has been training yoga teachers for the past 10 years! Please join her in a short stretching session designed to relax your body and settle your mind. No yoga mat or special equipment needed! The practice can be used as a transition to bedtime or at any time of the day you'd like.
Ms. Amanda Lloyd made a wonderful video to share with your Dixie Dolphin about being kind to animals. She is assisted in the video by Cora, the Dixie Magnet Elementary therapy dog. Ms. Lloyd can be reached at
Ms. Jodie Carper on mental health in children
Ms. Jodie Carper, our fantastic mental health specialist, created some videos for parents about some needs our Dixie Dolphins might be having. Ms. Carper can be reached at
The national sleep foundation has a website with great information for kids and their grown ups on sleep. They also have games and puzzles! Check this out with your dolphin when you can!